Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Well, well

I don't have words for this past week, nor for the past year.
The world goes by and on its way life changes.

This is the first day my head has been almost clear. I have had a cold and once again ended up on amoxicillin. All this because Pa and I spent the day sitting in a cold room learning about diabetes and how to change our life style. That room was so cold that Pa was even cold and Pa is one of those people who is warm in winter.

Colds are nasty things. I have had my share of them but this past year or so they seem to have changed. They want to stay longer and behave worse then ever before in my life. I guess this all goes along with the getting old business. You know getting old is not for sissy's and here lately I have felt like a big sissy.

Well this sissy is going to try to get at least one chore done before my head gets all fuzzy again.

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